The Tiny Transpiler
Published: 2024-12-15I wrote a brainf**k to C transpiler the other day. It took me a grand total of roughly an hour.
The entire thing is under 50 lines of C. You can see it here.
What is brainf**k?
It's an esoteric coding language. Invented by a Swiss student in 1993, it's pretty much the minimum required to be considered Turing complete.
It's also one of the most famous esolangs in existence.
The syntax is extremely minimal: it has only 8 characters and the rest are ignored.
Take a guess what that does. Just guess.
It's a Hello, World!
Essentially, in brainf**k, you're given a 30000 byte array and a cursor. You
can move the cursor with >
and <
. You can modify the memory with +
, which will increment or decrement the value in the cell. You can create
loops with [
and ]
. Finally, you can a read a single byte as input with
and print the value of the current cell with .
> ; Increments cursor position
< ; Decrements cursor position
+ ; Increments cell value
- ; Decrements cell value
. ; Prints the current cell value as an ASCII character
, ; Reads a singly byte and stores it in the current cell
[ ; Opens a loop that continues until the cell value is 0
] ; Closes a loop
That's pretty much everything about brainf**k. I've written more functional programs in Assembly before.
Why? Just why?
I wrote this compiler entirely because I was bored and I've found a ton of interpreters, so I thought the world needed a brainf**k compiler.
Although, admittedly, if you want a really good brainf**k compiler, check out this one.
Why C?
Many reasons:
- I want more practice with it
- It's fast
- It's mostly portable
- It's widespread
- I didn't need much code anyway.
And one final reason: integer overflow. Normally, this is a bad thing that
people hate. It's probably the reason unit tests (ugh) were invented. But
brainf**k is different. The numbers in the memory tape have an upper limit of
, and if they pass it, they're expected to reset to 0
. Also, if the
value goes below 0
, it's supposed to reset to 255
. C does this on its own;
I didn't need to write any code for it.
A higher-level overview:
- Read code from a file or from stdin into memory
- Convert each character to C code
- Print the finished C code.
It reads brainf**k code from a file into code[]
Then, it sets up a basic C program:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {char t[30000]={0};int p=0;
You may have noticed that it's missing a closing bracket. That's because more
code is added to that char[]
In case you're wondering, char t[30000]
is the memory that you're given. I
used t
as short for tape
, because these programs aren't meant to be human
Next, it loops over the code
array, which is an array of single characters.
For each character, it converts it to C code:
character | becomes |
> | p++ |
< | p-- |
- | t[p]-- |
+ | t[p]++ |
. | putchar(t[p]) |
, | t[p]=getchar() |
[ | while(t[p] != 0) |
] | } |
You can see above to understand what these symbols do.
These values are added to the program output, which will contain valid C code.
Finally, this code is added to the final output:
return 0;}
This is the end of the outputted program. The transpiler then prints this code to stdout, for the user to manipulate as they wish.
Final thoughts
There are some ideas for improvement I had while writing this article. I don't think there's much I could do to make it faster, but there are things I could do to make it safer and better.
You can see the final code here.
You can also make any sort of contribution, if you'd like.
Thanks for reading!